Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tip-Tap Pop

Sarah Lynn (2010), 32 pages

Illustrated by Valeria Docampo

Audience: pre-K

Format: picture book

Pop is Emma’s grandfather who taught her how to tap dance – they would perform together every year for Emma’s birthday … well, every year, until one year … when Pop forgot. But, after that he started to forget a lot of things … so, Emma tries to connect with him through dance, hoping that he’ll remember the steps … "shuffle-shuffle-rustle-slide" as they used to. Eventually, pop joins in – his feet moving from side to side … Emma explains softly to her grandmother “his feet remember” and Gram kindly similes sayings “they remember today … and maybe we can help them remember tomorrow.” A delightful paring of image and text; Docampo’s saturated and lively images are vivacious and play off Lynn’s tender yet sound evocative prose perfectly. This heart-warming story manages to approach common issues surrounding ageing grandparents and memory loss with dignity and subtlety, making it an appropriate read for young children.

Reviewed by: Katharine Quinn, SJSU MLIS Student

If you liked this book, you may like: Rap A Tap Tap: Here’s Bojangles Think of That! (Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor) by Leo Dillon or Little Mama Forgets by Robin Cruise

Other books by this illustrator: The Library’s Pages and Three Little Tamales

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