Tana Hoban (1993), 12 pages
Audience: babies
Format: board book
White on Black is the perfect first book for babies. Known for her bold graphic designs, photographer Hoban created a series of baby books featuring high contrasts of black and white images. This sparse contrast makes the images easier for infants to see (especially during the first few months as the baby’s eyesight develops). Tapping into a baby’s surroundings – Hoban showcased simple, yet familiar objects (examples include a bottle, duck, boat, buttons, necklace, flower, apple, and banana), which appeal to babies and become fitting when she/he starts associating shapes and images with words. A great beginner book for any infant! Hoban’s collection of board and picture books are a wonderful series of children’s books – known for their high contrast motifs; these books teach kids about shapes, household objects, and opposites, many books also feature color photography. Board books hold up well for young children and are often easier for them to hold; have a baby hold the book and turn its pages (this action builds a fundamental skill known as print awareness). It's never too early to start enjoying books!
Reviewed by: Katharine Quinn, SJSU MLIS Student
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Other books by this author: A, B, See!, Black & White, Is It Larger? Is It Smaller?, So Many Circles, So Many Squares, Exactly the Opposite, and Shapes, Shapes, Shapes
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